I'm sure most women have gone through life with a bit of a love/hate relationship with their hair, and I'm no different. From my childhood years of throwing it up it an orange scrunchie, to the teenage era of emo fringe and dodgy layers (SO many layers. Why?!), my hair has seen some low moments - but I guess that's all part of growing up.

When I was at school, I never really liked my hair the way it was; from wanting to have naturally curly hair to straightening it within an inch of its life (oh the early noughties), or constantly cutting a fringe in and instantly regretting it.

I've reached a point now where I'm happy with my hair, embracing it for what it is and working with what I've got. I want to stay happy with it, so I'm a bit anal about keeping it healthy. Luckily I've never really dyed my hair (except once in uni when I dyed it dark brown. I know, I am ca-ra-zy) so it isn't damaged in that respect. I also have naturally straight hair and prefer a simpler getting-ready-routine, so I tend to forgo heated hair tools aside from hair dryers.

Apart from that, a good diet is key to healthy hair (isn't it always?) but I enjoy pizza and Prosecco a bit too much to rely on that alone, so a little help is needed. About a month ago, LookFantastic sent me a beautiful box of Moroccanoil products along with a limited-edition Tangle Teezer and these have all now become part of my healthy hair routine.

I've used the Moroccanoil oil for a while and have always loved it but always bypassed the rest of their products, thinking I could overdose on the stuff and end up with an oily mass of hair. I decided to put my oil-based fears to one side and honestly, even after the first time using the shampoo and conditioner, my hair felt so soft and most importantly - healthy. I thought using all of these products would weigh my hair down but it was the complete opposite - it's never felt lighter. The mask is an absolute treat too when you've got time (and you can be bothered to sit with it on your head for 5-7 minutes). The only thing I would say is the smell, for me, could be a bit nicer but it wears off pretty quickly.

As for the Tangle Teezer - where have you been all my life?! I've never given into the hype with these, always thinking they couldn't possibly be any different to my usual brush but boy does it glide through my hair with ease, knots and all.