Jumper: Uniqlo U
Trousers: Uniqlo
Sandals: St Agni
It's been pretty quiet here on the blog over the last couple of months. You may remember from a post I published back in January that my boyfriend and I decided to up sticks and leave the UK for a new adventure in Australia. We arrived mid-February so we've just reached the two month mark, five weeks of which were spent travelling up and down the east coast in a campervan.
So it will come as no surprise that while I've been a prolific Instagrammer, my blog has taken a bit of a backseat to beaches, coffee, wine in the sun and exploring the country I'll call home for the next two years (yup, we love it that much we're currently doing our regional work to extend our visas by another year).
To be honest, I've been glad of the break. Before I left the UK I worked in content marketing for a luxury fashion ecommerce business and while it was great and I got to do what I'm passionate about every day (and get paid for it), I was ready to live a life away from a computer screen and a keyboard for a while. I had also kind of fallen out of love with blogging, felt uninspired by what seemed like the same imagery pop up again and again on Instagram, and was lacking direction with where I wanted my small space on the web to go.
Then I reminded myself that one of the main reasons for moving out here in the first place was to enjoy life a bit more, stop sweating the small stuff and stop just going through the motions. Taking a break from something that wasn't bringing me any joy and not worrying so much about how many likes I'd got on my recent post was all part of that.
I wanted to get back to why I started blogging in the first place, which was to share what I'm interested in (fashion, travel, interiors) and be able to create content that was purely for me - not for anyone else, not to make money for somebody else, and with no restrictions over what I produced. When I first started out I didn't think anyone would even read my posts, never mind that I would work with brands that I'd loved for years or have experiences that I'd only dreamt about, purely because of this blog.
It's taken this step back to remind myself of all of this, to stop comparing myself to others and to remember that this is a creative outlet, not something that should be dragging me down. So, that's the plan going forward. No pressures to grow, make money or question what I'm creating. Just me, what interests me and what I'm wearing. I'll be writing about my time in Australia too - starting with our five week road trip once I get round to sorting out my thousands of pictures - so if there's anything you'd like to know about moving out here or what life is like, feel free to send me an email, comment below or message me on Twitter/Instagram.
Oh and here's an unrelated snap of an outfit I've loved wearing recently (we're currently in Victoria in the south of Australia and we're fully in Autumn, so the heavier pieces have started to come out).
I totally relate to this - taking a step back is really good to figure out what you actually want and why you're blogging in the first place. Looking forward to more Australia content!