Pjyamas: c/o Figleaves

With a hectic work schedule, a blog to run and some semblance of a life, my day-to-day is pretty full on. That's why I secretly love those weekends when I have absolutely no plans and my biggest activities involve what film to curl up and watch or what takeaway to order on Saturday night. Sunday mornings, though, are what I most look forward to. That lazy start to the day when I spend hours devouring the Sunday papers, eating warm croissants or pancakes for breakfast and drinking endless amounts of tea. 

The bonus too, is not having to get dressed until at least 12, and being in a great pair of pyjamas that add a little bit of luxury to your morning. This pair from Figleaves is quite possibly the most stylish nightwear I own, especially compared to the old t-shirts and shorts that I normally throw on. There's something about the classic, old-school style that I love, plus the print is absolutely gorgeous. In fact, I kind of want to wear these as an outfit...